Group Horror Game
Developed within a team of 7 using Unity C# as a part of my level 5 (Second Year) course work.
The game takes place in an abandoned goverment building where the player is exploring and becomes trapped. The player must solve puzzles in order to escape.
Every project I work on I use applications to help me ensure the project is sucessful:Challenges
Whilst this may be unorthodox, it's worth examining the aspects that might carry a negative connotation and recognising my response to them. The project encountered issues that demanded proper solutions for resolution, and being responsive and empathetic was crucial. Unfortunately, certain team members showed a higher level of commitment and contributed more significantly to the group effort compared to others. As a result, the final grades were influenced by the quality of work as observed by instructors, and the issues we faced were escalated accordingly.
Review and Lessons Learned
After completing projects I like to reflect on what went well and what did not, this helps me learn from each project and improve each time. This project helped highlight to me the important of having user feedback, providing information such as animations and audio to players to help them understand gameplay to confirm if they are making correct or incorrect actions. When managing projects it is important to ensure expectations of each members of the team are understood and the quality the team are working towards to ensure each member is trying to achieve the same goal. With future projects I will escalate and raise issues with concerns in a more timely manner, I orginally wanted to give time to the team to settle into the new position, I should have raised concerns sooner to understand the situation sooner and provide any support where required.